Beginner guide for rooting and flashing

Some basics about your android phone

An android smart phone is a small computer that fits into your pocket. 
It has three booting modes 
1. recovery (press vol up + power + home)
2. android operating system (just long press power)
3. boot loader (press vol down + power + home)


Its the place where you can backup , restore , install .zip files (flashing a .zip file rom ) and etc.
There will be an inbuilt recovery for every android which is not good  enough to do all the thing so it is recommended to install recoveries like cwm(clockwork mod) or twrp(titanium)

2.Android operating system

Its simply your OS which you usually boot into like jellybean , kitkat , lollipop and etc.

3.Boot loader

Its the place where you can put your phone in download mode (does not mean downloading any thing) so that you can connect your phone to computer to flash roms or install recoveries and etc

What is rooting ?

Rooting gives you permission to access system files and allow to modify it . If you are a windows user you have got admin access to modify system file where as in android by default it don't have admin access ( in android we say it as root access)
warning - rooting and flashing voids warranty

Why rooting ?

As said before rooting lets you modify system file thus it allow as to do what ever we want to do with our android like increasing ram , heavy customising , increase internal memory and much more....
warning - rooting and flashing voids warranty

flashing a custom ROM

flashing a rom means replacing your current rom with custom roms like cyanogen .

method of flashing 

you can flash rom using 2 method 

1.recovery method (only .zip files)

Its the simplest and fast method we just need to go to recovery and install zip for sd card , that's it 

2.boot loader method(only .md5 files)

Its the classic way , you need to connect phone to PC.  it takes time and you need software  to flash it (for samsung its odin ) or you can use ADB command line to any android device

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