Best and simplest way to install cwm or twrp and root any samsung smart phones like s duos series , S3, S4 and Note 2 etc


                                                        just get rooted

About the method used here

This is one of the best and well known method to root android and install cwm recovery in it .
now you might be thinking i am going to share an app which has a one click root option , that may be the simplest method but its not the safest . it may lead to many other problem like improper rooting  which may lead you to flash your phone again

If you are a beginner to rooting and flashing it is highly recommended to read this short beginner guide it is explained in most simplest way

In this method we will show you how to flash/install ClockWorkMod recovery or twrp to root ANY Samsung phones like s duos , s duos 2 , s duos 3 S3, S4 and Note 2 (International, LTE, Cricket, T-Mobile, Sprint, US Cellular, Metro, ... ) which are running on Android 4.0.4, 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.2.2 and 4.3 jelly bean.

    Requirement :

  • ClockWorkMod recovery file or twrp          <links are given below>
  • Odin3
  • Charged Samsung galaxy Device
  • Root files(ie
  • USB cable
  • Windows PC
Before Starting :
  • latest version of usb drivers 
  • ClockWorkMod recovery file or twrp
  • Odin3
  • Root files(
  • stop antivirus and kikes
Steps :
  1. Move to any folder on the internal storage of your phone ex:Downloads
  2. Open Odin3 as administrator in your pc
  3. Click on PDA (or AP ) and navigate to recovery.tar file
  4. Make sure that re-partition is not selected and reboot too
  5. Put your device in download mode( in most phone press home key + vol down + power key until you see warning then press vol up)
  6. Connect your device to PC via USB cable and wait until you see a sign in ID:COM and Added in Odin3

  7. Click Start and wait few seconds.
  8. After Odin3 display PASS or RESET, unplug the USB cable
  9. now cwm is successfully installed in your device ,  if you don't want to root your phone stop here or continue if you want to root
  10. Put your device in recovery mode
  11. Choose install zip > choose zip from /sdcard > 0 / > the folder which contains root file (in my case : Downloads/) > > Yes. OR in twrp select install zip goto your and install it
  12. Wait few seconds
  13. Choose Go Back > reboot system now
  14. Open SuperSU app and disable KNOX.
Done !
happy rooting...

Notes :
  • Backup your data
  • Flashing custom recovery will voids warranty
  • Do not disconnect the cable or turn off the device while flashing recovery file.
  • I am not responsible if something happened to your device .
  • Some devices have a locked bootloader, unlock it first before flashing the recovery file (ex : Verizon, AT&T).
Downloads :
  • Odin3 v3.04 HERE, v3.07 HERE, v3.09 HERE 
  • Latest Samsung Mobile Driver HERE
  • here

recovery for s duos series

Touch ClockWorkMod for Samsung galaxy S3 SIII
Touch ClockWorkMod for Samsung galaxy S4 SIV

twrp for other devices

cwm for other devices

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