[solved] E can't mount error in cwm or system not mounting in titanium

This blog will be useful for solving following issues

1 E can't mount in cwm and twrp

2 always boots into recovery


this mainly happens when you do something wrong with your root access or after flashing a new rom or by using unsupported recoveries

ultimate solution

the one and only solution is to re-install your recovery 

step 1 :  download recovery
step 2 ; install it using any software (odin for samsung users)
step 3 ;  (important) after installing recovery do not let the system automatically  boot into os instead immediately after install boot into recovery and mount system or sd card  manually
step 4 ; now you can boot into your os
if problem is not solved clearing dev caches and re-installing rom might be helpful

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see also
how to root samsung phones , the most simplest method

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