Wondermedia Tablet WM8880 Firmware

WM8880 Wondermedia Android Tablet
WM8880 Firmware
For-Fun V91 V1.2 tablet firmware.

WM8880 Firmware For-Fun V91 V1.2 tablet firmware.

Wondermedia wm8880 is a known as android tablets cheap Wondermedia produce best tablet for work in very low price. The provided firmware will only work with board Id For-Fun V91-v1.2 how ever this firmware file contain on huge collection of ROM regarding WM8880 Tablets
Before installing firmware you must try to sort out problem with Android System Recovery.

How to flash Wondermedia WM8880 Tablet . 

Download Firmware  4.2 Jelly Bean. 
password : chunk1189
extract firmware file using any software like winzip or 7rar or winrar . 
WM8880 Firmware For-Fun V91 V1.2 tablet firmware.

You will see a folder name FirmwareInstall .Copy this folder to fresh formatted microSD card. 

WM8880 Firmware For-Fun V91 V1.2 tablet firmware.

Open folder from MicroSD card and find folder called Config as highlighted in image. This is the basic step to flashing Wondermedia tablet wm8880. Open Config folder and you will see bunch of files inside config folder. 
WM8880 Firmware For-Fun V91 V1.2 tablet firmware.

This step is bit tricky . You will see many firmwares inside folder all you do is  select the exact firmware  . All you have to do just match + sign with your required firmware by renaming your desire firmware . "+" sign will help booting the correct firmware for your tablet. I have select Forfun v91 1.2 for my tablet . See the list and if you found your desire firmware for wm8880 in list , rename it and add "+" in start of it and remove all other + signs. 
Turn off your tablet. Make sure your tablet is more than 60% charge. 
insert microSD card into tablet and power it on. 
If you are succeeded to select the right firmware for your tablet , your tablet will be start loading firmware automatically. 
WM8880 Firmware

Now wait and see the instructions on screen. Installation will take some time. 

WM8880 Firmware

At the end you will see message "Please remove installation Media". Eject your MicroSD card . 
Tablet will be reboot and start updating apps. 

WM8880 Firmware

First boot will take 3-5 minutes. 
WM8880 Firmware


Conclusion :

The above mentioned method based on my personal experience . Did not find any trouble during installation but I am not responsible for any loss or damages. If you have any question regarding tutorial please write in comments section. 

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