Android User Free MTN 700MB

Get any mtn sim and make sure you don't have any credit on it configure phone settings as follows
: APN:
 Port: 8080
The code below once dialed, you will be given 100mb each time you dial it , so after using the first code and consuming the 100mb then move to the second code and dialed it , consume the 100mb and move to the 3rd , continue like that till you complete the 700mb
 *662*6*6*2*3# Now download simple server here
 CLICK HERE and then configure
 Injection quary: /home.php
Injection host: go down to injection line and click your ENTER key 4 times that's all , you can close it now Download autoproxy here CLICK HERE and configure like this Auto proxy settings:
 Proxy settings:
 Port: 8080
 Proxy type: Http Click on authentication
 Proxy Username and password: web
 Finally connect both simple server and the auto proxy and browse till your battery goes off ENJOY WHILE IT LAST
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