How To Transfer Cash From One Bank To Another

One can be relieved of the extra effort of following awkward procedure while making payments to any Nigerian bank account, either by internet banking or any other portal the financial institution uses to deliver her services to the rest of her consumers. Today, i will be hinting you guys on some certain things we may have been doing with hassles which can actually be done with just one click. A lot of persons have not been able to notice some services included while using an Atm machine, as a result of this, one has more difficulties ensuring that a transaction is done manually, that is, going to the banking hall to pay in the money into the  recipients account.
I was in queue in the bank today and a man was making withdrawal via an ATM machine. After making the withdrawal, he left the ATM machine,walked into the bank to make payment with the cash he withdrew minutes ago from the ATM  into the account of his beneficiary. He waited for some time and later deposited the money into the account. Meanwhile, he should have been able to make the deposit to the account of his recipient via the ATM machine he initially used.
Lets sum up what he has lost. Do you know that he wasted lot of time while trying to make the payment in the bank after completion of payment in the ATM machine? Yea. I may sound some how not minding my business, but there are lot of ways he should have minimize this stress. Either he had done the payment via the internet, which is popularly called the internet banking, or he should have done the transfer through the ATM machine.

I am not going to stress on how you should get that done via the Internet, because my observation actually came from the ATM scenario. Do you know that you can transfer money from your bank account to another bank account via an ATM machine? Yes. It may be new to some persons, while it  is old fashion news to some. But for the benefit of those that find it difficult to do so, i will like to give you some steps on how to get that done.
Things you should have before this can be possible:
— You will need you Debit card
— You must be able to read and understand what the automated machine displays on the screen
— You should have the bank account of your recipient
— Above all, you should know your Pin. ( Do not mention your pin to any person, keep it to ypurself)
If you have got all this together, then you should be slotting in your card in the ATM machine now. If you use first bank, after completing the various information from the type of your account and so forth, you should see an option with SEND MONEY. If you wish to transfer money to another account via the use of the ATM, locate the “send money” option and follow up the procedure. You should see  some options asking you for the type of account of your beneficiary. Simply select the account type and continue. If you have done this, you should see the field to fix in the account number of your recipient and the amount you intend sending. Once that is done, confirm your payment and all other details asked from you and make sure you have seen the confirmation message on the screen.Make sure you confirm the account number you intend sending the money to as any mistake may land you in a  difficult situation.
For users out side the shores of first bank, Simply:
Insert Card
Enter Pin And Press Proceed
Press Change Teller
Press Interbank Transfers
Select Funding Account Type
Select Receiving Account Type
Select receiving Bank
Enter Account Number you wish to transfer to
Enter Amount and click Proceed
Click Proceed if you accept the N100 charge
Confirm details and click proceed if okay
You’ll get the message “Transaction completed” please check the receipt for your reference number. Note: where there is no receipt, check your SMS alert for the reference number.
This actually works and may differ from banks to banks. But with the little explanation carried out here, i believe you would be able to do that yourself.
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